The seas are rising and so are we.

The oceans are wild and so we are wild about protecting them!

The people of this Ocean Blue Planet must unite to protect the life supporting seas and the coastal communities who rely on a healthy, vibrant ocean!  Support the UN in bringing in the laws needed to protect our common heritage for the sake of life on Earth!

“Marine life, the world’s climate, our economy and social well-being depend on the existence of a healthy ocean”.  Click here to read more from the UN.

Ocean Rebellion South Devon and Torbay feel a strong connection to the sea and all who appreciate it’s vibrant life!

email us at to be put on the mailing list for our newsletter.

Never work alone!

It’s easier and fun to be part of a group.

It’s safer too – we don’t want you burning out and

suffering from anxiety. Forget Do-it-yourself

and think Do-it-together.

The sea is dangerous

Do not attempt a sea-based action unless you have

nautical experience. On land you might hurt yourself.

At sea you could die. The sea

is dangerous

Biodiversity Loss!

So many species are in need of our help to protect the fragile ecosystems they rely on! Not just marine animals and fish but ultimately all life on the planet. The Oceans are dying! Acidification, warming, plastic, overfishing, toxic chemicals, oil spills, etc etc. We must do something to reverse this trend! 

Watch the documentary “Seaspiracy” on Netflix now!

Cruise ships - the truth!

Mega-ships representing everything that is wrong with the way our society is structured. The picture to the left is from an action in Torbay. The Zandam, one of more than 10 that have visited the Bay during Covid restrictions.

The wealthy are invited to cruise the world and in doing so actively participate in destroying it through a toxic combination of casual colonialism and horrific pollution.

This video shows how Ocean Rebellion activists in Falmouth responded when 'The World' cruise ship arrived in their home town of Falmouth, Cornwall, UK.

We are a small group of committed activists who want to bring people’s attention to these issues. Ocean Rebellion is a sister organisation to Extinction Rebellion with slightly different demands:


About the destruction of the oceans.


Reverse drivers of warming, ocean acidification, sea level rise and ecological collapse by 2025.


United Nations to govern our common oceans heritage for the benefit of humankind, especially indigenous coastal communities. Not for the benefit of industry or finance.

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